Gisele Fernanda Salvador


Diretora Financeira
TELEFONE: (11) 9 9599-8337
EMAIL: [email protected]
LINKEDIN: /giselesalvador/

With almost 20 years of experience in finance area GISELE SALVADOR is working for Alcoa as the Finance Director at São Paulo’s Corporate Office, she also worked at the same company as Plant Controller in Juruti-PA and São Luis-MA. She has experience in Mining, Refinery, Smelter and Hydro segment. Prior to Alcoa, Gisele worked at Deloitte Touche and Tohmatsu, holding the External Auditor and Mergers & Acquisitions Financial Consultant positions. Gisele is fluent is English and holds a master’s degree in accounting from the
“Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado”, is graduated in Business Administration from the “Universidade Fundação Santo André” and also Bachelor of Accounting Sciences from the “Universidade Paulista”.

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